Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Whole Lotta Hamster

What's today? Hump day? Nice. This has been one long week for me, and TaTa has been all in my grill. But rather than just show him the smackdown, I'm gonna be the bigger hamster and turn the other whisker. Who has time to start a fight when I've got rollerballing to do, anyway?

Have I previously mentioned how much I totally dig rollerballing? I don't know if that's what it's actually called, but I know it makes me tingle in places I won't tell you about when I get to zip around in it. You should see me. The wind in my fur... I don't wanna brag, but I'm pretty sure I come close to breaking the sound barrier or something. If I keep working at it, after a while I'll bet light itself won't even be able to escape the pull of my force. The only thing holding me back is that paneled wall I keep cracking into. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

On another note, who do you think invented those flakey-flake things fish eat? I watch our owners sprinkle that stinky stuff all over TaTa like rose petals and he chows down. Seriously, who thought that was a better idea than throwing a chicken bone in there or something? And what do goldfish in the wild eat? Something tells me those flakey-flake things aren't just plucked off trees - assuming there are trees underwater, I wouldn't know. This whole thing makes my head hurt. I'm gonna go grab a piece of dried corn.

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