Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This Is Sweet

Dig it, my owner got this killer picture of me working on this blog. Nice bedspread, huh? It's kinda foo-foo le fem for me, but the folks who own this place don't ask me to contribute to the rent, so I keep quiet. Notice the absence of an actual keyboard? That's because I only have claws and, worst of all, no opposable thumbs. Because of this I can't pick up a mug of coffee either. I know, stinky, right?

I usually wait until everyone is asleep to kick it old school style on my laptop, but I just couldn't nod off yesterday afternoon and decided to fire this baby up. The consequence of which was getting this evidence snapped. Oh well. On the plus side, my dopey owner left the camera behind - uber sweet, my good man. I stashed it under the bamboo fondue bowl I eat out of. This means instead of you having to just imagine what our life is like, I'll be able to hopefully provide some visuals. It'll be like reading War and Peace with cute pictures (of the peace part, not the war part).

Speaking of photos, not five minutes after the dude left the room,
I snapped this one of TaTa. I knew he was a big swimmer, all into doing laps and stuff, but who knew he was such a Renaissance fish? I guess he's one of those guys you hate in high school who are on the football team and can play cello. I wonder what fish rules for soccer are? I mean, are you not allowed to use your dorsal fin?

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