Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just You?

Yep, another week goes by in Albany, and you know what that means. Mother Nature flips the switch from "Muggy and Oppressive" to "Arctic and Frostbite Inducing." But I jest... somewhat. True, I've only been on this earth for a few months, but I've already made note of one thing; there are only two seasons in this town.

When it comes down to the season we're facing (I call it "Fallinter"), it's actually not that bad. It's been Hades-like for so long, that it makes me feel good to snuggle into my reindeer sweater, throw another couple of twigs on the fire and ask TaTa if he'd like another mini-marshmallow in his mini-cocoa. But then something strange happens in a few months. I recall March of 2008 as if it were yesterday... I was rolling in some leaves and watching my breath billow away as I sang See Me, Feel Me by The Who when all of a sudden my sweatshirt was sticking to me, there was a haze in the air and middle aged neighbors were in Daisy Dukes and black socks. Did someone spike my water bottle? It was suddenly July.

Thank goodness I'm a hamster and not a dog. I spend most of my time inside enjoying God's greatest gift to man - air conditioning. My owners despise the heat as much as I do, so it means snuggling under a washcloth and trying to keep my nose warm... which is tough since I have a wet nose and all.

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