Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School Daze

Ah, that first day of school. All of the new khakis, the fresh haircuts, the runny noses. The downside to this fresh new start? The car ride to school almost made me cover my wood shavings in half-digested lettuce. Oh man, can't they develop some kind of seat belt for living organisms other than people? They did it for really short people, why can't they do it for really buff hamsters? But I digress.

By snack time I pretty much had the whole class figured out - who was going to be the stuffy princess, who would never help clean up, who would be the tattler - you know the drill. A nice group of kids... except for this one. He just kept eyeballing me. It not only freaked me out, it also kind of reminded me of when they have documentaries on serial killers. Remember how they always talk about the fact that they started off killing mice and cats. You know, he's the "quiet" kid. I just hope the teacher doesn't leave me alone in the room with him.

My goodbye to TaTa for the fall was short - he's not big on long goodbyes. I can't say I blame him. But at least he had the water in his bowl to mask his tears. I should be the one really crying anyway. I'm not going to be able to catch up on Young and the Restless until like December 19th. Man, I sure hope Victoria's baby doesn't belong to Rex.

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