Thursday, October 9, 2008

Worth Every Penny

Well, what do you think? Be honest, you thought I was Sting for a second there. Hey, the surgery took his kind of dough. And that's no wonder - there aren't a whole lot of places who will give a hamster a nose job. I'd been thinking about it for a while now, and decided to just give it a go. If it doesn't work out, I can just have it undone like the implants I did last fall. I know, I know, but that was only because I lost a bet with TaTa.

It's an empowering thing to have a whole new nose. Practically speaking, breathing has been a lot easier. TaTa likes to crack wise and ask if I'll help to make his bowl into a jacuzzi, but I think he's just jealous. After all, trying to find a doc to do a gill job has got to be next to impossible. In addition to the practicality aspect, the other rodents I've come across have started paying a lot more attention to me. Sure, they're mostly fieldmice in the wood pile and chipmunks on the window sill, but a musician can only play the instruments he's given, right?

Don't worry though, I'm not going to let this new look go to my head... so to speak. I'll still be the same debonaire, dashing hamster you've always known. I'll just be a lot cooler looking on the dance floor and get free drinks from stray cats. Is it me, or have I always been this buff?

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