Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oogity Boogity!

This is so exciting. Halloween is so close, I can almost taste it like witch's brew. And do you know why it's so great? Because I get stuff, and I don't have to give anything to anyone... like at Christmas. Well, let me back track a little bit. I try to get stuff. Did you ever see the end of The Incredible Shrinking Man? Remember when the cat finds him and tries to make confetti out of him? My situation is kind of like that. And that's assuming I even get that far.

Even if I get out of the house without a closing door separating me from the feeling in my legs, I'm still not home free. This is the part where the cat comes in. Or, to be more specific, the cat next door, the dog two houses down on the left and pretty much any bird of prey in the northern hemisphere. But for the sake of argument, let's assume I made it to house number one on my sugar stop. Okay, now I just ring the bell, right? Easy for you to say, biped.

My best bet is to lurk in the shadows (which is extra cool because, ya' know, it's Halloween). Eventually some fudgy-pudgy is going to be eager to grab too much candy. The next thing I know, I'm showered in Snickers and Twizzlers. Just no Gobstoppers or anything in a box please. They hurt coming down. Once Dracula Junior moves to the next house, I hop a ride on the glucose superhighway. But don't frown. I'm not all greedy. When I eventually roll home I always make sure to toss a Tootsie Pop in TaTa's bowl. Sure, he can't eat it, but it is fun to watch it dissolve. Then I figure he can breathe the sugar.

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