Friday, October 17, 2008

Tiny Bubbles

You know what the best part of the oncoming chilly weather is? Being able to swim indoors in a heated pool. Well, not that it's a pool quite so much as a kitchen sink, but when your total body mass amounts to 10 ounces you don't exactly need the Grand Canyon. And it's even an activity that I can enjoy with my golden buddy, TaTa.

Lugging him over to the kitchen counter is something of a challenge, but worth it. Within minutes of the sink being filled and me diving off the faucet, we're playing water polo with the scrubby sponge. Now I know what you're thinking. Why not just take a dip in TaTa's bowl and let the filter worry about any hairballs. No thanks. First of all, TaTa is cold blooded. Do you know what that means? It means some major shrinkage on my hamster parts as soon as I dip a toe in that mini-Arctic Sea. The second reason I'd never go in there is that TaTa is a slob. The place is awful. He wouldn't even be able to find his food if it didn't float on top. Anyway, back to my little hot tub.

After about 1/2 hour the water starts to chill a bit and needs replenishing. But I admit it - I'm lazy. So lazy, in fact, that I take it as my cue to hop out, wrap a paper towel around my waist and make for my cage. Let my owners worry about draining the sink and putting TaTa back in his tank. Besides, since he can't talk they always just blame it on him anyway. A mute friend makes a great scapegoat.

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