Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hamster of the Opera

"I am your hamster, come to the hamster of music..."

Haunting, isn't it? Just imagine it with a fog machine! I've been thinking about it for a while now, and finally decided to write a musical. In most social circles this would be ludicrous, but I know I can trust you, my friend. The idea started as more of just a rock opera kind of thing, but the more I wrote, the more I felt this needed a bigger voice. To be fair, I only wrote the libretto, the music was all TaTa. You'd be surprised, but the guy has a real ear for it. Case in point: originally, I felt that the final reveal for the Hamster of the Opera required more of a Bach-like Toccata and Fuge with simple oboe accompaniment. But it was entirely TaTa's idea to unveil the piece scene by heart wrencing scene a la polka. I tell you: the fish is a genius.

We've already decided to put our brains together Lennon/McCartney style and do a musical version of All The President's Men. I see Clay Aiken as Nixon, but TaTa is all set on Rick Springfield. Is that dude even still alive? Jessie's Girl? Never heard of it. Anyway, assuming that takes off (which I'm sure it will) we'll then tackle that elephant in the room known as Citizen Kane. It's itching for a libretto. Now if I could just reach the mailbox to send the score to someone.

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