Monday, November 3, 2008

Live Free or Snack!

If there's one thing I've learned during my months in nursery school it's that freedom isn't free. But then neither is lunch. I have to put up with googly eyed kids and pats on the head that make my eyes ache for just a carrot. But there is one thing I've paid attention to - all the whining about politics. Is it me, or are all politicians just full of dried corn and wheat rice anyway?

Everyone is all up in arms about democracy, democracy, democracy. But guess what. We're not a democracy, people. Well, by that I mean you're not. My race just eats each other to fend in the wild. Now, I haven't been to Yale, Harvard or my local community college, but I have listened to three year olds recite the Pledge of Allegiance. And my people, I have paid attention. The last time I recall, they pledged alleigance "to the Republic for which it stands." Hold on to your smallpox blanket, Tonto. Republic? What happened to everyone crying about a democracy all the time? I decided to do a little research.

Yeah, go figure. It turns out that in a democracy it's winner takes all. And those of you who voted Sally McFoxy for class president know what that means. It's nothing more than a popularity contest. Founding fathers like Rambo and Reagan realized that it really shouldn't just be a popularity contest though. They followed a more Machiavellian concept (and that's pretty deep for a hamster). What a lot of folks don't seem to dig is that we elect representatives to make decisions for us. Papaya! In layman's terms, it's a "republic". But this is just an observation from a small hamster who doesn't even have the right to vote. I guess that slipped the minds of Rambo and the guy on the penny. Note to self: march on Washington about that.

1 comment:

Paul Fahey said...

I get it, Tata. People spent years making sure that concept was drilled into my head. How could I forget? "...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation..."